Dance Matters
As part of Oregon Ballet Theatre’s ongoing commitment to serve as many communities as possible, we seek to offer programs and services to historically marginalized communities and to agencies that meet the needs of those who may have experienced compromising circumstances. Dance Matters supports the idea that one may discover a sense of wholeness when they connect their mind, body, spirit during dance exploration. The program promotes sustained, long-term impact by partnering with groups year after year.

Albina Head Start
OBT proudly celebrates 35 years of dancing with beautiful preschoolers in their classrooms and providing field trips to OBT studios. OBT provides tickets to Albina Head Start through our Share the Wonder program.

Dance instruction and choreography at PHAME Acedemy. PHAME provides a wide range of arts classes empowering adults with disabilities.
If you are interested in bringing a Dance Matters program to your organization or school please
Top photo by Tom Cook