Loading up the truck

This afternoon, our crew started loading up the truck to move us over to the Newmark Theater for next week’s performances. Just your basic Penske rent-a-van, filled with custom made and designed costumes, sets, light, and sound equipment. Take a break, guys (and Thyra), and say hi! Seeing “Oregon Ballet Theatre” stenciled onto the sides… Read More

Tolstoy’s Waltz Pas de…

Deux? Trois? Quatre? Adrian and I have been rehearsing Tolstoy’s Waltz for about four weeks now, and are learning that although the costume seems to have a mind of its own, it can be trained to obey commands. In the photo above, we imagine the worst-case scenario and possible mishap. Adrian also pointed out that… Read More

Moving Forward

Steven’s posts from Japan have been fascinating!  Thanks, Steven, for keeping us all in the loop with your adventures over there.  Next, we’re expecting a fashion show of the results of your shopping expeditions. Back at the ranch, we are starting our third week of rehearsals for the Duets program.  How do the weeks go… Read More