“People Like a Little Glamour”

  Lifelong musical theatre geek Claire Willett interviews Christopher Stowell about her all-time favorite work in the OBT rep: Stowell’s sparkling, sexy, witty Cole Porter ballet Eyes On You. Christopher Stowell. Photo by Joni Kabana. What inspired Eyes On You?  How did you come up with the idea? Well, the practical reason was doing something… Read More

Gargouillade and Entrechat: the Filigree Footwork of Square Dance

by Linda Besant“More steps per minute than any other show in town,” said dance writer Nancy Reynolds of Square Dance. For fifty years, audiences have been wowed by this non-stop ballet: “Tempos that could only be called lickety-split.” (Manchester, 1958)  “Filigree footwork that requires the most astonishing technical dexterity.” (Kaplan, 1988) “The speed of the… Read More