WEEK FOUR: “L Is For Lift” (Tuesday)

WEEK #4: Tuesday Coffee Breaks With the Ballet – where learning is fun!  Time for another installment of “Let’s Get Technical,” with ballet-geek historical facts and another Google Challenge. Let’s Get Technical Back in the day, dancers were lifted by stage machinery to create the appearance of floating, weightlessness and flying through the air.  In… Read More

WEEK THREE: “L Is For Legs” (Thursday)

WEEK #3: Thursday It’s Thursday, which means there’s only 24 hours left before it’s the weekend!  On today’s Coffee Break With the Ballet we’ve got another installment of “Stars of OBT” and another “Random Thursday Question” to entertain you and give your brain a little end-of-the-week mini-vacation.  You’re welcome! Stars of OBT: “Get a Leg… Read More