Last night we talked our accompanist Irina into making us a traditional Russian dinner. On the menu was Borscht, some kind of fried patties made of ground turkey, onions, and garlic, bread with butter, and fried potatoes and mushrooms. It was absolutely delicious. Despite her shying away from the camera, I managed to snap a few shots of the evening.

Irina started out by cooking in her cabin, but the space proved to be too small, so we moved over to the large kitchen in the Hearth Center.

Irina in the kitchen at the Hearth Center.

Ground turkey, onions and garlic rolled in flour and fried. So. Good.


After dinner some of us chose to take advantage of another nice feature of the Hearth Center: the screen and projector that we can watch movies on.

This morning it was still a little chilly out, so we decided to make a fire again. Naturally, everyone decided to make it the new pre-class warm-up spot.